Riding regulations


Signing up or cancelling

(general introduction..)

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Sign up and cancellation regulations:

Questions, unclearity or suggestions for all Thursday night lessons can be send to Susan, our lesson commissioner:

E-mail: lessencommissaris@hippo.utwente.nl


On this webpage you can sign up and cancel your lesson each week before Tuesday 21:00. Your update on the website should be “Signed up” or “Cancelled” on the correct date and only your lesson update with the correct date is valid.

Date not correct?

When the date is not correct, please contact our webmaster to prepare the mistake and inform the lesson commissioner by email to make a note for the weekly schedule.

In doubt if you can ride?

If you are in doubt for some reasons if you can ride, inform the lesson commissioner by emailing (it is best to email before Tuesday 21:00). Together you can see what is possible and in case it don’t work out your lesson will be cancelled without paying the unsubsidized lesson price.


On Wednesday between 12:00 and 14:00 you can expect the scheme for help during the lesson changes and the lessons itself up to date on the website: Weekly schedule

Please always check both schedules!


When you cancel after the deadline you will have to pay the unsubsidized lesson price. We can only use subsidy for members who are riding and we are obligated to pay the lessons we ask for when the schedule is made to the stables. Paying the unsubsidized lesson compensates the costs which are made.

Be present 30 minutes before your lesson

On Thursday we expect every member 30 minutes before there lesson to be at the stable. The schedule paper can be find on the bar, please sign on the paper you are present.

Arriving later than 30 minutes before your lesson without notification

Always indicate when you are arriving later than expected. Other hippoers in your lesson can take into account you may need help. In case you can’t make it, the horse schedule needs to be revisioned. It is important that every horse is saddled with care and therefore we will help each other out.

Repeatedly being late or not giving any notification will result in having to pay the full lesson price!

You are scheduled to help during lesson changes?

In order to make the lesson changes run as smooth and fast as possible, we have scheduled two persons for every lesson to help everyone getting on their horse. We devide this as much as possible over all members riding. Please check out weekly if you are scheduled to help. The other lessons are counting on you same as you are counting on help in your own lesson 😉

Cancelling after the deadline

Please indicate as soon as possible if you can’t make it or if you are in doubt to make it to your lesson! We try to take that into account as much as possible and the stable needs to be informed to see if we need to reschedule the horses.

Inform the board

Please fill in the form on the website to update the whole board in ones about your late cancellation. They will always contact the stable to update and they can possible find another member to ride.

Inform the stable

Besides informing the board, please inform the stable after Wednesday 18:00. It is not always possible for the board contact the stable herself due study and work outside the board. Still, it is important to update the stable as soon as possible due the fact they may need to reschedule the horses.

Phone number Manege de Horstlinde:
+31 53 4336523

Monthly schedule

You can expect the next monthly schedule online latest the first Monday after the last Thursday of the month. This is always an indication and is depening on the weekly sign ups. Therefor always check the final schedule in the weekly schedules!

Riding pass

(general introduction..)

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General member status options

Default uneven weeksDefault even weeks#lessonsValidationCosts
Weekly riderSigned upSigned up1015 weeks€25
Biweekly rider ASigned upCancelled515 weeks€15
Biweekly rider BCancelledSigned up515 weeks€15
Overview membership options

Riding pass conditions

  • Riding passes are valid for 15 weeks for both weekly and biweekly riders.
  • Riding passes are only valid during the academic year.
  • Christmas and Summer holidays are not included in the academic year.
  • It is possible to request a special number riding pass one time per academic year, when there are less than 15 lesson weeks are remaining. It is not possible to request a lower lesson ratio than the riding pass itself. 
  • Take into account that a riding pass is valid from the upcoming date you select.
  • If there is no follow up request for a new riding pass, your status will automatically change to a flexible rider after the last used lesson of your riding pass. You will have to pay the flexible lesson price for the remaining Thursdays before your next riding pass and you have to sign up manually for them.

Biweekly conditions

  • Biweekly riders can make every two week weeks use in week A or B from their riding pass.
  • Biweekly riders are counted a single lesson if they ride in their non A or B scheduled weeks.
  • Biweekly riders can under A and B riders switch weeks to still make use of there riding pass lessons instead of paying a single lesson.

Special number riding pass

A full riding pass can be not suitable anymore when you have less than 15 riding weeks left. Some of you will maybe leave in February and therefor it is already possible to request a special number riding pass which starts in December. Depending if you would like to ride (bi)weekly there is a minimum amount of lessons:

Regular riding pass1015 weeks
Special number riding pass2/3 of riding weeks left or more

2/3 of 7 riding weeks are 5 lessons or more
riding weeks left

Untill February there are 4 riding weeks in December and 3 riding weeks in January, so a total of 7 riding weeks.
Regular riding pass515 weeks
Special number riding pass1/3 of riding weeks left or more

1/3 of 7 riding weeks are 3 lessons or more.
riding weeks left

Untill February there are 4 riding weeks in December and 3 riding weeks in January, so a total of 7 riding weeks.